![]() 05/18/2017 at 04:24 • Filed to: Hour Rule, Thursday on the Thames, TVR Tuscan, Speed 6 | ![]() | ![]() |
With summer finally taking off over here my nextdoor neighbor took out his Tuscan again. And good lord it sounds glorious. This might just be the best sounding in-line 6 pot ever. Just that rear sticker...
![]() 05/18/2017 at 04:43 |
I mean if you straightened your hair and put on a nice summer dress, I could see it.
![]() 05/18/2017 at 04:49 |
Haha, just look at the completely-left-centered piece of the last picture: you still see my girly curls in the reflection there!
He has his 3rd cylinder head on it as we speak. I wouldn’t want to exchange cars with him, glorious sounding Speed 6 or not!
![]() 05/18/2017 at 05:14 |
Can confirm. Sound utterly fantastic,
It’s also the most powerful NA I6 out there. Suck on that BMW M ;) reliability be damned...
Also, if you look up the FFF heads you can get even more power out of them. They really are bonkers engines.
![]() 05/18/2017 at 05:24 |
Awesome, I’ve always liked those for being completely crazy. The sticker does fit the car, haha.
![]() 05/18/2017 at 05:30 |
I’ll see if I can upload a video to youtube or something. The movie is a bit terrified by my constantly outbursting in laughter though. It’s glorious. And has a FFF2-head. It’s 3rd cylinder head already. Hahaha. I always remind him of the maintenance my 911 needs. ;-)
![]() 05/18/2017 at 05:46 |
Oh nice! Shame it’s on it’s 3rd one though :S what’s going wrong on them?
Also, I’m determined to have my Spitfire done for the next Europpomeet. Your 911 needs a competitor ;)
![]() 05/18/2017 at 08:54 |
Your other neighbor needs to get an A610 or GTA. That would be an awesome set of 3.
![]() 05/18/2017 at 13:31 |
The driver doesn’t actually ;-)
![]() 05/18/2017 at 13:33 |
The replacements were necessary so I expect a crack or some warping, I’ll ask him what exactly happened next time.
The one in June or next year’s? Not sure if I’ll take the 911, certainly not in June en next year I’ll probably take the 2002. You’ll outrun that one in the Sixfire.
![]() 05/18/2017 at 13:40 |
Meet Franz. Or doesn’t this one count for that (my 911 is more from that era)?
The sheer amount of classics here is ridiculous...
![]() 05/18/2017 at 14:15 |
This definitely counts. I’d prefer the Alpine, TVR, or Porsche though.
![]() 05/18/2017 at 14:19 |
Jemig, dit zijn allemaal je buren?
![]() 05/18/2017 at 16:39 |
Haha: JAAAA! Classic heaven! Franz heeft ook nog een Dino 308 GT4 en wat Alfa’s. En een Peug 605 voor dagelijks vervoer. Dit jaar 70 geworden. HELD!!!
![]() 05/18/2017 at 22:36 |
Dat is een mooie verzameling autos zeg!
![]() 05/19/2017 at 04:05 |
Z’n buurman weer heeft een Autobianchi Bianchina (in pieces) en weer daarnaast woont de trotse eigenaar van een Series 1 Landrover. Top buurt ;-)
![]() 05/19/2017 at 09:19 |
Ja als je daar woont MOET je wel leuke klassiekers hebben. Geweldig, man!
![]() 05/20/2017 at 19:40 |
Have you gotten to ride in it, yet? That top picture is great. Where is that? Is that an apartment complex?
![]() 05/21/2017 at 07:44 |
Just shotgun . Those are the garages underneath the newly built Ginnekenhof , a project right behind our backyard. I had to crop that picture a bit to get it right. I was in a hurry to get in ;-)
![]() 05/24/2017 at 00:21 |
Great shot. You could film a cool science fiction movie down there.
![]() 05/24/2017 at 03:14 |
Yeah and those garages (two each) belong to the houses on top of ‘m. It’s down a ramp so the actual doors to the houses are on street level. With the right lighting it’s very usable.
![]() 05/25/2017 at 01:35 |
I really like the grating in the roof. 2 garages per unit? Wow. I wish we had that. You’re lucky if you get one in my neighborhood.
![]() 05/25/2017 at 04:21 |
Yeah, and there’s a “guest” parking for 18 cars as well: That one’s next to the last meters of our garden. The grating is where they can cross to the other side.
Can you imagine what that Tuscan sounds like down there????
![]() 05/30/2017 at 14:49 |
Boy, it’s so nice and clean there. In L.A. there would be graffiti and garbage all over the place.
Seriously. I’d start the car every day just to hear the glorious noise echoing off the walls. I’m sure it drives the neighbors crazy.
![]() 05/30/2017 at 17:54 |
If this was in Breda North it would have been as well. Although we have a local graffiti terrorist actually lately.
He compensates the monstrosity of the TVR a bit with his DD. A Tesla Model S.
![]() 06/01/2017 at 15:28 |
We used to have one of those that liked tagging our garage doors. We finally got new “graffiti proof” doors.
Wow. That’s really both extremes when it comes to engine noise. I imagine the torque is about the same, though.
![]() 06/02/2017 at 04:37 |
Graffiti proof Doors? I thought there were only walls that could handle those devices.
No idea on the torque of that TVR actually. It’s got enough displacement.
![]() 06/04/2017 at 15:58 |
Haha. Classic. I haven’t seen them in action, but maybe our doors have those sprayers installed. Or, they’re coated in something the spray paint can’t stick to. They did that to New York subway cars, so you don’t see this any more. And, you need this guy’s outfit.
I always thought they were really beautiful.
![]() 06/05/2017 at 03:34 |
Nice to see the artist spared the cart numbers, very considered of ‘m. And I do need that guys outfit. If I ever get that Corvorado!
You’d expect PPG to come up with a paint to beat that paint-less walls. And I do appreciate those graffitis, unless they spray it on a monumental building like mine ;-)
Or just tag it.
That’s pathetic.
![]() 06/05/2017 at 20:07 |
Yeah, just tagging in black is totally pathetic. Have some artistic integrity. PPG probably makes the graffiti-proof stuff. That would be pretty devious of them to then make paint that defeats it.
I think you need a Corvorado now. Just so I can see you in that outfit. The girls’ll need a Corvorado in the 70's set Fur Coat movie. One of them goes undercover as a lady of the night.
![]() 06/06/2017 at 03:33 |
Than maybe AkzoNobel will do it. PPG’s take over just failed. It’s about time we get a decent fitty in the paint market.
Hahaha. You’ll never see me driving one of those, trust me!
![]() 06/06/2017 at 22:40 |
It’s just a Corvette wearing bell-bottoms. You like Corvettes, don’t you?
![]() 06/07/2017 at 14:47 |
Some I do. Some...
And if you’re proposing a C4 it better has those non-round taillights.
![]() 06/07/2017 at 23:30 |
I’m a C3 man. This is what a Corvette looks like in my mind.
I do like the squircle lights on the C4. Very 80's. I thought that car was the shit when it came out and I was 11 years old. It really looked like the future. I still think it’s underrated.
![]() 06/08/2017 at 03:35 |
Oooh.... That one looks great! It just probably has like 90 hp.
Those Squircle lights meant it was a ZR-1. The one that brought power back to the ‘vette!
And this is a C3:
![]() 06/08/2017 at 22:15 |
Well, that’s a ‘69, so it still has all its 350 horsepower. It’ll go when you want it to.
Oh, only the ZR-1 got the squircles? I thought it was a facelift thing. That’s a funny little detail and seems like a lot of trouble to go through for one model of one car.
I think I’d rather have that C3, honestly. French First!
![]() 06/09/2017 at 03:20 |
It probably will go when you don’t want to as well. These aren’t known for their handling now are they?
The ZR1 at least was the first one, I know not that much about ‘Vettes. Just the ZR1.
Another Le Mans Bonnet will follow today!
![]() 06/12/2017 at 14:20 |
Those old ones are definitely not known for their handling. They are known for their lack of handling, but people who own them don’t car about corners. The new ones apparently do handle well. I’m waiting for my father to get his. He just got a new Audi, though. An A5 Sport with the liftback thing. It sounds like a cool car.
![]() 06/12/2017 at 18:21 |
No S5? Hmmm... Do tell met it’s a V6. That 2-door A5 still is one of Audi’s best.
![]() 06/13/2017 at 13:11 |
He doesn’t want to drive a 2 door. He needs to be able to conveniently get unconscious foreign agents into the back seat. Although, maybe that’s why he got the hatchback. He’s just going to stick them in the trunk now. I don’t know about the motor. It probably is the 3.0. He likes his power.
![]() 06/13/2017 at 16:24 |
Israelis aren’t that big? There will fit 2 in here:
Do you guys even get the 4-pots?
![]() 06/14/2017 at 01:29 |
He’d be on the side of the Israelis. But, Arabs are small. He went this route for convenience.
Yeah, we get the 4 pots. Even on the Q7. And something has a 5 pot, too, still, I think.
![]() 06/14/2017 at 05:53 |
5Pots? Doesn’t just the RS3/TTRS get that one?
![]() 06/14/2017 at 13:27 |
I thought there was an option to get it in an S5, but yeah, it looks like just the RS3 and TTRS have it. Still an available Audi 5 cylinder in a sedan, though. We don’t get the RS3 Sportback.
![]() 06/15/2017 at 05:04 |
When it comes to the normal A3 I prefer that sedan style. When it comes to the RS3 it needs to be the Sportback. It’s a HotHatch!
![]() 06/15/2017 at 23:05 |
Yeah, I feel the same way. I don’t know why they stopped giving us the Sportback. You can’t get it in a normal A3, either. Only as the E-Tron electric thing, which is weird.
![]() 06/16/2017 at 04:28 |
The normal A3 is the 3-doors? Those hardly sell over here.
![]() 06/16/2017 at 19:01 |
We never got the 3 door one, but we got the 5 door. That’s what I was referring to. I think they’re nice, but it was only available here for a few years. And, I see a lot of them, so they must have sold ok.
![]() 06/17/2017 at 04:30 |
3 door hatches used to be way more popular here, 5 door always were somewhat more expensive and the 3 door felt more sporty for many. Nowadays I’m blown away if I spot one.
Just the smallder hatches with 3 doors I get (Polos and smaller), otherwise that b-pillar is positioned next to the driver’s face...
![]() 06/19/2017 at 00:26 |
Yeah, the 3-door doesn’t really translate. It’s weird looking. I saw an A1 on our freeways once, so they have them in Mexico. You could tell it was something odd from a mile away.
Nobody wants 3 door hatches here anymore, either, it seems. That’s why they had to come out with a 5 door MINI. And why they cancelled my beloved C30.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 09:04 |
I saw an A1 on our freeways once, so they have them in Mexico.
I don’t see the logic in this one, explain!
At least they often tried to come up with more exotic names for 3 door cars. Often something with “coupe”.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 23:39 |
Well, I knew they didn’t sell them here, and Mexico isn’t far away, so it had to be from Mexico. And it had Mexican plates. It’s like if you saw a Bambino in France, you’d know it came from The Netherlands.
3 doors is what we always called a “hatchback” because they didn’t have 5 door hatchbacks back in the day. Or, not many at least in this country. The four door Rabbit was probably the first one to sell in any significant amount here. It was a revelation.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 06:07 |
Ah, you not getting it is half the work but it still could have come from Canada I suppose. Not? Those Mexican plates are a dead giveaway but still.
So why was the Rabbit a 4-door and no 5-door? Now I’m confused!
![]() 06/20/2017 at 22:51 |
I don’t know if they sold them in Canada, but you see a lot more Mexican cars around here than Canadian ones.
I guess it is a 5-door, but back then that term wasn’t in wide use, so I remember calling it a 4-door hatchback. They mean the same thing, I think.
![]() 06/21/2017 at 05:37 |
When I was young I was totally surprised why the hatchbacks were called 5-doors. And sedans/saloons 4-doors. As if I’d get in the car through the hatch? It is possible though.
![]() 06/22/2017 at 12:05 |
Yeah, I remember that confusing me, too. As a kid, you can easily enter through the hatch, you’re right. And, Volvo thought it was a good idea for everyone at one time.
I’m surprised someone like Tesla hasn’t resurrected this idea.
![]() 06/23/2017 at 02:31 |
Those Tesla 6th/7th seat are just like that aren’t they? It will make most of the passengers carsick/motion sick within 5 minutes I’m afraid...
![]() 06/27/2017 at 14:52 |
Yeah, I think Tesla has rear facing seats all the way in the back. Like my dad’s old station wagon. I loved riding in that seat.
![]() 06/27/2017 at 17:27 |
Up until 6 years old I’d agree. Then from 7 to 13 I got carsick riding backwards or reading in a car. Then I started sailing...
![]() 06/27/2017 at 23:57 |
Does sailing help you with riding backwards in the car? I can’t read in a car, either. I rode in the back of a Zündapp Janus once and that didn’t make me sick. It was too terrifying to become nauseous.
![]() 06/28/2017 at 09:24 |
It’ll help you to come over motion sickness. That is: I think it did with me. Part is the fact you focus on the taken road or heading, so it’s a bit of a mindset as well.